
What Should I consider when looking for a freezer for my boat?

The appliances on your boat will impact the quality of your adventures. By choosing the right marine refrigeration units for your vessel, you’ll avoid the hassle and stress that comes with having a freezer that doesn’t fit your needs.

To help you navigate the purchasing process, we asked Frigibar President Shuly Oletzky, “What should a boat owner, captain, or crew consider when looking for a new freezer for a boat or yacht?” Shuly responded:  

“When looking for a freezer for your boat, there are a couple of things to consider. The first consideration is what is it that you want to do with the freezer?

  • Do you have a particular length of trip you would like to take?
  • Will you need the capacity to store food for two weeks, two months, etc.?

Starting with what you will use the freezer for will help you choose the right product.  


In addition to knowing what you will use the freezer for, you need to consider how much space do you have available and what’s available on the market to fit that space?

  • In general, you want to get the largest freezer you can fit because you can never have too much freezer space.
  • You also want to be sure the application you’re going to be using the freezer for is appropriate for the location you plan to put it (on your boat), the environment that it will be in, and how it is you plan to use it and access it.

Asking yourself and answering those questions before you go out into the market to do the research will help you find the information that you need to make an informed and educated decision so you will get the most out of the product you purchase.”

With over 45 years of experience helping owners, captains, and crews find the right freezer for their vessels, we can help you find the perfect unit for your boat — even if it isn’t one of ours. Call Frigibar today to get the help you need to find your next marine refrigeration system: (305) 757-7697 or email us at

Also read: Marine Refrigeration Fit: How to Determine What Size Freezer or Refrigerator is Right for Your Boat or Yacht