Happy New Year! I want to thank you so much for being part of our business. Whether you’re a customer, partner, employee, friend, or just like to read our blog, I want to personally thank you on behalf of our family. Since taking over the business from my father Sheldon Oletzky in late 2010, I’ve been overwhelmed by the help and patronage both the business and our team has received. We would not be where we are today without your support. Heading into our 45th year, we look forward to serving you in the New Year and beyond to the high level of service and quality expected from the Frigibar brand.
2015 was an exciting and rewarding year for the Frigibar team. We love receiving annual family letters at the end of each year, so we decided to do one and share with you; where we have been this year, what we are doing, to thank you for your continued support, and to let you know why we’re so excited about 2016.
2015 Highlights
Boat Shows

Frigibar at MIBS 2016
Since our family began this journey over forty years ago, boat shows have played a very important part in our business. Shows give us a chance to interact in-person with customers and partners, and give others the opportunity to see and touch our products. In 2015, we exhibited at five shows, including:

Outside of the shows we were able to physically participate in, due to our partnerships with other companies, Frigibar units were displayed at several additional shows, including the Palm Beach International Boat Show, New England Boat Show in Boston, Providence Boat Show, and the Bay Bridge Boat Show in Annapolis, Maryland.
Featured in…
2015 was a great year for spreading our message and products throughout the industry and beyond in publications and advertisements. We were featured in Southern Boating Magazine with an advertisement and product feature. You can also find us online and in the upcoming print version of Yachting Pages.
We have shared our insight about relevant business topics on the Huffington Post Business Blog thanks to our involvement with the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, which I completed last year. We have published three articles aimed at providing actionable advice for entrepreneurs. We enjoyed writing these articles and were thrilled to see one of them re-published on The Hartford’s website. Additional articles are in the works for next year. If you are interested in contributing, I welcome you to email our content manager, Michael Luchies at content@aquaair.com. Here are the three published articles from this year:
Frigibar Blog
We’ve designed our blog to provide you with relevant information on topics that add value to our readers. All in the past year, we’ve featured industry experts, fishing teams, boat-builders, yacht brokers, event directors, and several of our partners. At the urging of our team, I even discussed my passion for boat shows. We’d love if you took a look at our blog and read a couple of the articles we created just for you. If there is a topic that is of interest and you would like to learn more about, email us at content@aquaair.com and we will work on providing it.
2015 saw several new partnerships, including working with Yacht Equipment & Parts, and Whiticar Boat Works in Stuart, Florida to showcase Frigibar units. We also expanded our presence in the Northeast through our relationship with Island and Harbor Sales. For partnership inquiries, please contact us at shuly77@gmail.com.
Fishing Teams
We are so proud of our 2 spectacular fishing teams that we sponsored this year. Team Tito’s Fishing Team helped us start the year off right, hosting a special Tito’s Vodka tasting reception at our booth at the Miami International Boat show. The team had tremendous success with their Memorial Day family event and fishing tournament “The Downtown Showdown KDW” in West Palm Beach, Florida, which resulted in a 5-figure donation to Lauren’s Kids. Mark your calendars for May 20-21, 2016 for their 2nd Annual event and we will see you there!

The Liquid Fire Fishing Team and Frigibar President Shuly Oletzky
Liquid Fire Fishing Team received their custom Frigibar dunnage box for their Intrepid Powerboats 375 Center Console and traveled a good part of the year to numerous tournaments and events. Liquid Fire also spent a good portion of their time sharing knowledge through their fishing schools held around the country and you can see their upcoming schedule here. They had a fantastic finish to the year earning 1st Place in the Swansboro Five-0 King Mackerel Tournament and 3rd Place in the US Open King Mackerel Tournament. Read our interview with team captain Mark Henderson.
Why We’re Excited About 2016!
We have a lot of things to be thankful for and many opportunities to pursue in the New Year. Here are three of the things we’re looking forward to in 2016:
- Expansion of online product availability
- Partner acquisition and forming new relationships along with expanding existing partnerships Nationally and Internationally
- New product development
Where we will be in the 1st Quarter of 2016
With any of our events, feel free to contact us ahead of time if you would like to schedule a time to meet with us or just stop on by. You can keep tabs on where we will be by visiting our events page which is updated with our upcoming event schedule and overviews of the fun stuff we do.
Thank you for an amazing 2015. We welcome you to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and like our Facebook page to keep updated throughout the year and see what we’re up to.
Our mailing address has changed, so please make sure to update your records: Frigibar Industries, Inc. 3324 NW South River Drive, Miami, Florida 33142.
Wishing you a very Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year from our family to yours!
- Shuly Oletzky, Frigibar President & the Frigibar Family