How Frigibar Approaches Customer Service
“You’ve reached the wrong department, let me transfer you to someone who can help.”
“But I’ve already been transferred five times,” you say as you’re ready to cancel your service or return a product because of bad customer service. We’ve all been there before.
In January, President Shuly Oletzky published an article on customer service on the Huffington Post Business Blog titled “Using Customer Service as a Competitive Advantage: 5 Ways to Help Customers Love You.” In the article, Shuly explains her frustration with companies that avoid using customer service as a competitive advantage for their business. “There’s a big issue when it comes to customer service — many companies simply don’t provide it…,” says Oletzky.
“As a business or entrepreneur, if you truly care about your customers and their experiences with your company, customer service should be at the top of your ‘important things to do’ list, and not approached like an afterthought,” says Oletzky, who feels excellent customer service is just as important as providing a high-quality product. “Good service makes people feel important and valued. Keeping customers happy isn’t rocket science. It does take time and will cost money, but the return is what keeps you in business.”

Satisfied Frigibar Customers
Customer service means something different for each business. For Frigibar, it can mean driving several hours to inspect a Frigibar Freezer that may need maintenance, or personally delivering a new refrigerator unit to a new customer. The image above was taken after Shuly Oletzky drove to Marco Island (roughly two hours away from Miami) to meet with new customers and hand-deliver their new freezers.
Frigibar works with each person we come into contact with as if they are a customer we’ve known for decades; putting their needs first, even if that means referring them to a different company to find their perfect solution. “If another product on the market suits their needs better, I’ll refer them elsewhere without hesitation. Exceptional customer service includes being a good resource and looking out for your customer’s best interest no matter what. Just because someone may not be the right customer today, doesn’t mean they won’t be in the future.”
Read “Using Customer Service as a Competitive Advantage: 5 Ways to Help Customers Love You” on the Huffington Post Business Blog here!
Whether you’re looking for a fish box for your competitive fishing team’s boat, a cockpit refrigerator/freezer, or something completely different, we invite you to contact Frigibar. We are happy to help.